September 22, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week 10:


- More nausea (no vomiting, though!)
- Neverending tossing and turning at night & weird dreams
- More fatigue (and thus, more naps)
- More frequent trips to the bathroom (my new schedule has been 10PM before I go to bed, then 2:30AM and again at 6:00AM and then again when I get up)

Cravings: sloppy fries, street tacos, roast & potatoes

Today marks the start of week 10! YAY! We are making progress! I felt like I was stuck in 7-9 weeks forEVER. But 10 weeks feels like actual progress. Only 2 weeks away from 12 weeks, my checkup, and the end of the 1st trimester.

Well, I haven't written in 2 weeks and I feel like things have stayed pretty much the same, for the most part. I've become an excellent Netflix binger, I can't make it through an entire day without an afternoon nap (maybe even 2), and I still get up atleast 2 times throughout the night to pee. Add to list the fact that most of my pants will not button now and I'm definitely running out of flowy shirts. Dal has lovingly begun referring to me as his "poochy mama." He thinks he's so clever, and it makes me laugh. It's the only time in my life he can get away with that. :)

I still at times get scared and wonder if I'm imagining some of these symptoms. I wonder if I'm really getting a baby pooch or just eating too much. But then I realize that whenever I used to overeat a bit, I could still suck in my stomach to hide it. That is not the case anymore. I try to suck in and the pooch doesn't go anywhere. So until the news is public, I'm sticking to my elastic around the button of my pants, flowy shirts everyday. I'm excited for my bump. Like, overly excited for it. Other women would probably tell me I'm crazy and I'll think differently in a few months... but I'm excited for a big belly. I've always loved seeing other pregnant women and always loved the idea of maternity clothes. I'll let you know if I feel the same way in 4 months. I also just want to get to the point where it's obviously a prego belly, not a buffet belly. Ya know?

This past week, I flew to California to visit my family and help host a bridal shower for my best friend, Briana. It was a lovely trip and I always enjoy the time I have back at home... being in a "full" house with people, playing games, eating tacos, etc. My mom was so cute this trip. She kept making comments about the baby and me being pregnant. She worried that she'd bug me but it was the opposite really. It felt good to have a little attention and fussing over.... and to have someone who was just as excited and anxious to talk about baby stuff.

On Saturday after the bridal shower, I broke the news to Briana and Sarah. I was so nervous but also just anxious for them to know. I told them and they both took a few seconds to process it. They both wrapped me in a giant hug and all three of us cried together. It was a special moment, and one that made my love for them grow even more. They really are the sisters I never had. Made me love them more to see their excitement and shared happiness for me and this babe.

I am just blown away over and over at how much I already love this little human. I find myself mindlessly wandering into the baby section of every store I go to. I picture its toes and fingers, a round belly, and toothless grin. I can't wait for February!

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