July 6, 2016

Sunday, June 19, 2016

It's Sunday evening and Day 4 since learning that I'm pregnant. The last few days I spent in Wyoming at a cabin with my Mom, Dad, Braden, Aunt, Grandma, and cousins. I could not anticipate how difficult it would be to not tell everyone the news. I was tempted probably 6,340 times a day to tell my Mom. It killed me the whole time to not be able to tell her and start discussing everything about our little baby. Buuuut, before I left, Dal and I decided we wanted to wait and tell them together (he was in Idaho with his family this weekend). So, we're waiting til Wednesday, when we're going to dinner with my family. I know, I know, it's only a week from when we ourselves found out... but seriously, you find out, and you're bursting with excitement. You just want to scream it from the rooftop and tell the whole world so everyone can party with you.

So, over the past couple of days, I have noticed a couple symptoms that I can now tie to the pregnancy. First of all, I have been exhausted. So, so exhausted. Each day, I have had the desire to take a nap atleast 5 times during the day and have had a hard time keeping my eyes open at several different points as well. I've found myself lacking my normal energy and only being able to carry on a 20 minute dance party, instead of my usual hour-long dance party.

Today, I felt nauseous on and off and got a bit nervous while sitting in church that I would vomit all over the nice Wyoming people around me. Thankfully, that did not happen. Crisis averted. It's only a matter of time though, im sure, until I puke in some type of public setting.

I'm home now and I just want to tell my parents so my mom and I can go crazy and shop for things and talk for hours and hug and cry and be excited together. Ugh. Wednesday. 3 days. I can do this. I'm also currently scouring Pinterest, trying to find a cute, non-cheesy way to tell my parents. No such luck as of yet, but I will find it.

In the meantime, here are some pictures of Wyominnn.

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