October 6, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How far along? 20 Weeks 5 Days

Maternity clothes? 
Still big sweaters and flowy tops + rubber banded pants. :) Going to try and turn some of my jeans into maternity jeans this weekend. woo!

Stretch marks? None yet, but I can feel my stomach stretching! It's been super itchy this week.

Sleep: Dal was awesome and ordered me a pregnancy pillow last week, which has helped immensely. It stays in place and hugs me all night. :) But my dreams just get weirder and weirder. Every night. I've started to have scary dreams about pregnancy, delivery, etc. Like Dal being nowhere to be found as I'm going into labor. Being bitten by a poisonous snake and miscarrying. Having a terrifying and very disobedient newborn who can walk and run and climb the walls? (weird, I told ya!)

Best moment this week: Hands down--- feeling baby kick! I've been dying for it to happen for weeks and it finally happened last Thursday (19 weeks 6 days) while i was sitting at my desk at work. I wasn't sure if I was imagining it at first but then it happened again. And again! People always ask how it feels and I'm still not sure how to describe it... it's like little twitches... someone described it as feeling like bubbles popping in your stomach. I dunno. You just know when you feel it. And its pretty dang great.

It's become my most favorite thing to feel throughout the day and baby now kicks for maybe 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a day. I looooooooveeeeee it. It's like he's saying "hello!" The kicks seem to get stronger by the day, and they even woke me up during the night a couple days ago.

I thought I would be the only one who could feel the kicks for a few weeks before people could feel it just by touching my stomach, but I was wrong! Early Saturday morning, baby started kicking strong. I woke Dal up and said, "Baby's awake!" and had him put his hand on my stomach. And sure enough, he was able to feel the little kicks. :) So, so cool. On Sunday we spent the day with Dal's family and baby was super active for like 2 hours straight in the evening. Dal's cousins and siblings took turns feeling the baby kick. It was so fun. :) I know a lot of women hate having other people touch their pregnant belly, but so far I'm the opposite.... I'm like, hey you! Come feel baby kick!

Second best moment this week: 20-week-ultrasound! We got to see our little squish again... dancing all over in my belly. It seriously is the coolest thing. And so funny how obsessed you become over the funniest little things. This time we got to see his femur... his spine... his cute little bum... and they're just all so perfect. He was hanging out upside down during this ultrasound and I can't help but wonder what it is scientifically that allows babies to be upside down so much without the blood rushing to their heads? Dunno the answer, but it's pretty cool.

Prego Brain Moments? Last week I had the worst prego brain moment of all so far. I forgot to put on a bra. Yup, you read that right. How? I have no idea. I didn't even notice until I was at work and reached across my body for something and my arm brushed my chest. I was like.... something's different. And then i was mortified hahaha. Thankfully I was wearing a loose top and a big cardigan and had virtual meetings for much of the day in which I could close my office door and be by myself. Definitely an adventure ;)

Movement: Yes!!! Woo!!!!

Food cravings: I haven't really noticed many specific cravings this week. Thai food sounded really good to me Friday night. Other than that, not a whole lot.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
 Smells of leftovers. Why? I do not know.

 Boy! <3 :)

Labor signs: Nope.

Symptoms: Some more awful heartburn. And a very sore tummy/lower abdomen. I've been reading about round ligament pain, and I've definitely got that going on. It hurts whenever I sneeze haha.

Belly button in or out? 
In! But I can feel that it's on its way out... it's not as sunken in as usual. It's much more shallow than it used to be haha.

Wedding rings on or off?

Happy or moody most of the time: 
Still happy most of the time, with occasion mood swings for no reason. (sorry, Dal!)

Looking forward to:
Doctor's appointment on Thursday to get the results of 20-week ultrasound & announcing the pregnancy publicly (finally) probably this weekend!

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