October 16, 2016

How far along? 22 weeks 2 days

Maternity clothes? 
Mostly regular still. I went through my closet the other day though and tried eeeeeverything on. Then I packed away all of the stuff I know won't fit me for the next 6 months or so. I also ordered a bunch of stuff from Target and Walmart online that should be coming this week. Shopping for maternity clothes is hard! Everything is so expensive and the in-store selection at most places is very dismal.

Stretch marks? Not yet!

Sleep: Sleep seems to go up and down. Some nights are better than others. My stomach always seems to feel tighter during the night. Is that normal? I dunno. I still get really sore throughout the night and I've had some more weird dreams... more and more about the actual baby. And several about the baby being born within the next month and then growing very very rapidly. So weird.

Best moment this week: So almost 2 weeks ago I felt baby kick for the first time and those kicks get bigger and stronger everyday! But now another super cool thing I've discovered is that when I lay down at night (I usually lounge on my back, kind of sitting up, for a while), baby usually comes to the surface of my belly and I can feel him! Like, through my stomach! It's soooo crazy weird. My stomach will get really hard in one spot and I put my hand there and I can feel baby wiggle around and rub against my hand. It's insanely cool (though pretty uncomfortable for some reason). And then after a few minutes, he disappears. So crazy. I'm anxiously awaiting being able to feel hiccups, as I've heard those are pretty cute, too. :)

Also, we announced, finally! Which is a big relief and so fun to let everyone in on our secret. I feel like I can be pregnant for real now. haha

Prego Brain Moments? Mostly this past week I've just not been able to talk right haha. I keep saying ridiculous things and made up words and there was one time when I was in the car and trying to say something to Dal and it literally came out as gibberish-- like not 1 real word. And I couldn't fix it for a few seconds. It was the weirdest thing. Dal and I had a good laugh about it. The other day I referred to the month "Febtember" as well.

Movement: Tons & tons everyday. He startles me sometimes with a really big kick or a knee/elbow pushing and rubbing against the inside of my stomach.

Food cravings: Hmmm.... not too many that I can think of.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
 If I don't eat for a while, I've been getting queasy.

 Boy! <3 :)

Labor signs: Nope. (Though I've heard some women get Braxton Hicks during 2nd trimester? and now I'ma littl paranoid)

Symptoms: A lot of the same :) Heartburn, though now more during the day than at night. Not sure why...  More sore tummy and aching back. Being very slow to roll over/move, etc. haha. I'm sure Dal finds it pretty comical.

Belly button in or out? 
Still in, but on it's way out!

Wedding rings on or off?

Happy or moody most of the time: 
Happy, but emotional.

Looking forward to: 
My mama coming to visit next week and doing baby stuff with her!<3 <3 <3

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