December 12, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

How far along? 30 weeks! (This feels like a big milestone!)

Maternity clothes? 
Yep. All big clothes now. Can't squeeze into most of my old clothes anymore.

Stretch marks? Some... but not in the places I expected lol.

Sleep: Ehhh not great lately. I get really uncomfortable if I stay in the same position for very long.
And heartburn has been so bad! So I've been trying to sleep practically sitting up-- which also adds to the discomfort.

Best moment this week: Dal's work threw us a cute little baby shower - which was so sweet!

Also, passing my glucose test. Phew. (I failed the first one and had to do the dreaded 3-hour test. Which was super sucky and stressful. I don't really get why it's done the way that it's done. I felt like crap going into it. And that stuff you have to drink is terrrrrible. And a friend of mine told me her doctor did the glucose test verrrrry differently-- she got to eat CHOCOLATE as her "sugar trigger" and didn't have to fast leading up to the test. What's up with that?! #idemandglucosetestequality)

Movement: Our little guy is definitely a mover. Always rollin and kicking and doing "the wave." He likes to push one of his cute little feet out my right side, and though it's uncomfortable, it's adorable and I love being able to feel an identifiable body part.

Food cravings: Meat. Lots of meat. I crave hearty meals mostly. I think I had a hamburger for dinner 3 times last week, lol. And I've been wanting french fries.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
 Not particularly. Just heartburn. Also, heartburn + a cough is NOT a good combo-- just warning ya.

Oh, and I cut a bell pepper for dinner yesterday and I can't get the smell off my hand. And it's majorly grossing me out. Yuck.

 Boy! <3 :)

Labor signs: I've had Braxton Hicks pretty much everyday... once or twice a day. Which is weird but not painful or anything.

Symptoms: More of the same. :) Heartburn, awkwardness moving around, being out of breath... more of the usual stuff.

AND. Okay, "they" weren't lying when they said expectant mothers can feel the "urge" to nest. "Urge" is an understatement, okay? This past week, it just hit me like a wall. And I've been OBSESSING over cleaning, organizing, purging our house. I've had like... mini anxiety attacks over clutter in our house and poor Dal is probably going crazy. Haha. But seriously, it has hit me, and I am a monster now. I need to throw away half of my house contents and I need all of the baby items right now and I need  to rearrange all of our furniture and I need every inch of the house to be clutter-free. Got it?

I'm very thankful I have this week off of work so I can hopefully get a bunch more organizing and cleaning done at home and also put together the nursery as much as I can. I am dying to do that.

Belly button in or out? 
Half in/half out. haha. The top half is definitely out, but the bottom half is basically flat with the rest of my belly... guess that means baby's not done cookin yet!

Wedding rings on or off?
 Still on. :) 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
Some of both. :)

Still, just plain emotional. Haha. The new thing is I can't think about baby boy being here for more than like 30 seconds or I will start to bawl my eyes out with happiness and love and excitement and all of the other emotions a pregnant girl can have.

Looking forward to:
Christmas! I love Christmas, first of all. But I also feel like once Christmas is over, we are SO CLOSE!

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